Crypto Facts

The 9 Most Important Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin

Are a digital or virtual currency that uses important cryptocurrencies to secure its transactions and to control the creation of new units.

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known important Cryptocurrencies , was created in 2009.

Since their inception, cryptocurrencies have seen a dramatic increase in value. In January 2017, one bitcoin was worth just over $1,000. As of September 2017, one bitcoin is worth over $4,000. This meteoric rise in value has led some investors to believe that cryptocurrencies are a new investment opportunity with high potential for return.


10 Most Important Cryptocurrencies (Including bitcoin)

Let’s get into it


1. Ethereum

Ethereum is a cryptocurrency that operates on the blockchain technology. Like bitcoin, ethereum is a decentralized currency that is not regulated by any government or financial institution. However, ethereum differs from bitcoin in a few key ways. First, ethereum allows for “smart contracts,” which are contracts that are executed automatically when certain conditions are met. Second, ethereum has a built-in programming language that allows for the creation of decentralized applications. This makes ethereum a potentially powerful tool for developers and businesses.

2. Litecoin

Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2011 to improve upon bitcoin. Litecoin is similar to bitcoin in many ways, but it has a few key differences. First, litecoin can process transactions faster than bitcoin. Second, litecoin uses a different hashing algorithm that makes it easier to mine than bitcoin. Finally, litecoin has a larger supply than bitcoin, meaning there will be more litecoins available in the future.

3. Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that was created in August 2017 as a result of a hard fork of the bitcoin blockchain. Bitcoin Cash is similar to bitcoin in many ways, but it has some key differences. First, Bitcoin Cash has a larger block size limit than bitcoin, meaning that it can process more transactions per second. Second, Bitcoin Cash has lower fees than bitcoin. Finally, Bitcoin Cash is less centralized than bitcoin, meaning that its network is more distributed among its users.

4. Dash

Dash is a cryptocurrency that was created in January 2014 under the name XCoin. In March 2015, the name was changed to DarkCoin, and in January 2016 it was renamed Dash. Dash is similar to bitcoin in many ways, but it has some key differences. First, Dash offers instant transactions, meaning that payments can be processed immediately without waiting for confirmations from the blockchain network. Second, Dash has an optional privacy feature that allows users to conceal their identities when making transactions. Third, Dash operates on a two-tier network that allows for faster transaction processing and greater security. Finally, Dash has a self-governing and self-funding model that allows it to develop quickly and independently from external influences.

Important Cryptocurrencies

5. Monero

Monero is a cryptocurrency that was created in April 2014 that focuses on privacy and anonymity features. Monero differs from most other cryptocurrencies in several ways. First, Monero uses Ring Signatures and Stealth Addresses to conceal the identities of its users. Second, Monero is fungible, meaning that all units of currency are equal and there is no way to track or blacklist specific units of currency. Finally, Monero is decentralized and does not rely on any central authority to manage its network or governance. This makes Monero a particularly attractive option for users who value privacy and anonymity.

Important Cryptocurrencies


IOTA is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2015. Unlike most other cryptocurrencies, IOTA does not use a blockchain network. Instead, it uses a “tangle” network, which allows for more efficient transaction processing and higher scalability. IOTA also has several other unique features, including zero fees and secure data transmission.

Important Cryptocurrencies

8. Cardano

Cardano is a cryptocurrency that was created in September 2017. It is a decentralized currency that uses a blockchain network for security and governance. Cardano is unique among cryptocurrencies in that it is the first to be built on a scientific philosophy called “peer-reviewed research.” This means that all aspects of the Cardano network are subject to rigorous academic testing and scrutiny. This makes Cardano a particularly promising cryptocurrency for long-term use.

9. NEM

NEM is a cryptocurrency that was created in January 2014. It uses a unique blockchain algorithm called “Proof of Importance” that allows for more efficient transaction processing and higher scalability. NEM also has several other unique features, including secure asset management and easy smart contract creation.


10. Stellar Lumens

Stellar Lumens is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2014. It is based on the Ripple protocol and focuses on fast, cheap, and reliable transactions. Stellar Lumens has several unique features, including its own built-in exchange and low fees.



Cryptocurrencies are a rapidly growing industry, and there are many different options available for consumers who want to invest in this new form of currency. Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency, and it is still the most popular option. However, there are several other cryptocurrencies that offer unique features or advantages over bitcoin. These include Dash, Monero, IOTA, Cardano, NEM, Stellar Lumens, NEO, EOS, and Qtum. Each of these cryptocurrencies has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to do your research before investing in any particular currency.


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